PLEI understands that in-person events are tricky right now. As we begin to come out of our Covid cocoons, PLEI is again offering in person programming. However, if you are still not ready for an in-person event, please visit our virtual programming page, the PLEI Academy for Leader Development.
Participants will develop and enhance their leadership skills, exploring new areas in understanding organization and personal behavior. Participants will examine their current interpersonal skill sets, explore how to develop a vision and goals for personal success, and use role playing to assess how effective leadership can transform personal and professional lives and satisfaction. This live course is intended for new pharmacy graduates and those a few years into their careers, to help practicing pharmacists focus on the many competing obligations in their lives, helping them find balance in personal and professional lives, and to live a more fulfilling life. The live one-day curriculum includes how knowing and understanding one’s self can help individuals do more for themselves and others; how group communication with role-play scenarios can uncover solutions for multiple real-life scenarios; how the “Juggle of Life” can contribute to misalignment of priorities; and how the Listen-Isolate-Mirror-Solve technique can diffuse difficult situations.
Participants will develop and enhance their leadership skills, exploring how motivation operates and how to harness its potential, how morale and gratitude affect collaboration, how common values help promote individuality and sustain organizations, stand principles for assessing team needs and team-enhancing. Participants will evaluate group processes going on around them, and how they influence those processes, using Cog’s Ladder as a model. This live course is intended for new or advancing organizations that wish to focus on group dynamics (eg, officer training).
Participants will develop and enhance their leadership skills, exploring new areas in understanding organization and personal behavior. Participants will examine their current interpersonal skill sets, explore how to develop a vision and goals for personal success, and use role playing to assess how effective leadership can transform personal and professional lives and satisfaction. Barriers to effective interpersonal communication will be addressed, with illustrations of the risk posed to group development. Discuss how emotions, feelings, thoughts, judgments, attitudes, opinions or gossip are transmitted between people. This live course is intended for new or advancing organizations that wish to focus on interpersonal interactions.
Participants will develop and enhance their leadership skills, exploring how priorities are determined, established and integrated into the pharmacist’s personal and professional activities, and how to apply problem assessment and decision making skills via pharmacy practice scenarios. Failure is also addressed, from individual and collective perspectives. As pharmacy organizations become more diverse, across a wide range of characteristics, goal identification and achievement become more intricate and important. This live course is intended for new or advancing organizations that wish to focus on goal setting and planning.
Contact us to learn more! We look forward to working with you to design a custom program that will meet the needs of your team.