Alpha Iota Chapter
Phi Delta Chi
We are thrilled to share that the Collegiate Brothers of the Alpha Iota Chapter of Phi Delta Chi have partnered with the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI) to establish a Travel Grant Endowment.
This initiative aims to support the future Brothers of our chapter by facilitating their attendance at pivotal events such as Grand Council and Southeast Regional Conferences. To fully endow this grant, we are working to raise $25,000 which would allow us to provide a $1,000 annual award to Alpha Iota chapter, ensuring that our Brothers can continue to benefit from these invaluable opportunities to grow their Brotherhood bonds.
We sincerely value your continued support of the Alpha Iota Brothers and greatly appreciate any contributions you make to help us reach our goal. Your ongoing commitment to the Alpha Iota Chapter has such a positive, lasting impact on the professional and personal development of our current and future Brothers. We are grateful to have you all!
To make a donation and support the Alpha Iota Travel Grant Endowment, please click HERE.
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