Congratulations Lydia Bailey
2025 Albert B. Prescott Pharmacy Leadership Award Recipient

PLEI is proud to announce Lydia C. Bailey, PharmD, RPh, BCACP, as the recipient of the 2025 Albert B. Prescott Pharmacy Leadership Award.
Dr. Bailey, Pharmacy Operations Manager at St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy in Cincinnati, is recognized as a transformative leader in charitable pharmacy. Under her leadership, the pharmacy filled a record 95,000 prescriptions in 2024 and expanded services to underserved communities. Lydia’s innovative programs improved patient outcomes and influenced state and national policy. Read the full press release here.
Nominations for the 2026 Albert B. Prescott Pharmacy Leadership Award will open in August of 2025.
The Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute, along with the Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society, invite you to nominate an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in the first 10 years of their career as a pharmacist. The nominee should have received their pharmacy degree in 2015 or later. In advance of all nominations, we strongly recommend all nominators read our BEST PRACTICES document before submitting a nomination.

Albert B. Prescott was a visionary and trailblazer in the late 1800s because of his advocacy for an academic basis for pharmaceutical education. Founder and Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Michigan, Prescott nurtured his idea for nearly 25 years before the rest of the profession caught up with him. This chemist, educator, and leader of pharmacists helped found Phi Delta Chi at the University of Michigan in 1883.
The Albert B. Prescott Pharmacy Leadership Award, first presented in 1987, is given annually to a young pharmacist no more than 10 years after receipt of their PharmD. The recipient shall have demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities as a young pharmacist indicative of someone likely to emerge as a major leader in pharmacy over the course of their career. From its beginning, this has been a profession-wide recognition, not restricted to any fraternal group or practice setting.
The Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI), Phi Lambda Sigma, and several prior recipients select the recipient of the Prescott Leadership Award. The Award is presented annually during the APhA Annual Meeting, at which time the recipient delivers a scholarly lecture on issues such as pharmacy as a profession, leadership, or future trends in pharmacy practice or education. The winner receives a tangible award and an honorarium.
For information about nominating a young pharmacy leader for the next Albert B. Prescott Pharmacy Leadership Award, email Ron Corey at [email protected]
Where are they now? Enjoy our retrospective on past Prescott Award Winners.
Previous Award Recipients