The Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI)…


Our in-person and virtual programs are designed as LEADER development programs, rather than casual leadership programs. We strive to develop lifelong servant leaders who will advance the pharmacy profession and society. PLEI conducts leader-development programs ranging from a few hours to 5-day immersion programs.

PLEI’s customized leader training has helped many thousands of leaders since our first program in 1989. We deliver engaging and interactive experiences for diverse audiences of practicing pharmacists, student pharmacists, and pharmacy stakeholders. By fostering self-awareness, providing insights, trading ideas, offering tools, and sharing concepts our training programs will bring out the leader in you. Learn more about how our custom leader training can benefit your organization here.


PLEI’s 370-page workbook, titled Lead<-Grow->Shape: A Prescription for Life-Long Leader Development, transforms leader education and helps educators meet the ACPE and CAPE self-awareness, leadership, innovation, and professionalism competencies. Lead<-Grow->Shape contains 35 modules that foster self-development and help individuals enhance their capability to serve others. The workbook helps on-campus educators facilitate active learning communities through many of the leadership field’s most respected principles. See the Lead<-Grow->Shape page for details.


The Albert B. Prescott Pharmacy Leadership Award has been recognizing outstanding young leaders in the profession of pharmacy since 1987. This award is given annually to recognize an emerging leader no more than 10 years into his or her career. The award is named for Albert B. Prescott, who was and early leader in the field of pharmacy education. His influence largely transformed the education of pharmacy students from an apprentice-based trade to a science-based profession. You can nominate a young pharmacist and learn more about the award here.