Konnor Award

The Delbert D. Konnor Award of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Administration

PLEI is pleased to announce the Delbert D. Konnor Award of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Administration (“The Konnor Award”). Delbert D. Konnor (Phi Delta Chi Alpha Eta Chapter Alumnus) established the award to inspire, enable, and disseminate new scholarly work in the field of pharmaceutical administration, which is defined for the purposes of this Award to include research in pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical marketing, pharmacy management, pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes, social-behavioral pharmacy, accounting, and pharmacy law. The Award, which was enabled by the estate of Dr. Konnor, will be given every other year starting in 2025.

PLEI is offering up to $5,000 over two years to help PDC student pharmacists, recent graduates, residents, fellows, and academic professionals dive into research or support disseminating research at a conference or to publish in a journal.

To read the full press release, please click here. 

Eligibility and Award Criteria

  • Students enrolled in a PharmD curriculum, pharmacists in academic programs leading to a graduate degree, or recent graduates (e.g., pharmacy residents and fellows), and
  • Dues-paying or Life Members in good standing of the Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity


Nominations for the Konnor Award are NOW OPEN. Applications are due Friday, April 4, 2025. To learn more about the award and the application process, please visit the application page.

About Delbert D. Konnor (1938-2022)

Delbert (Del) Daniel Konnor joined the Phi Delta Chi Alpha Eta Chapter at Wayne State University in 1959, where he earned his BS Pharm and MS in Pharmaceutical Administration degrees.

As part of his career path, Del was selected as Manager, Voluntary Compliance Program, for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), where he forged relationships with national trade and professional associations in the healthcare industry. He served as liaison to state regulatory boards and professional schools. Del was the DEA Public Information Officer for the Office of Compliance and Regulatory Affairs. He was detailed by the U.S. Executive Branch to serve as the first Director of the White House Conference on Prescription Drug Misuse, Abuse, and Diversion.

He worked as a Registered Pharmacist for two community pharmacies and served as a Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Administration at Wayne State University from 1962-1968, where he taught pharmacy law, marketing, management, accounting, and professional relations.

Del went on to serve as the Assistant to the Executive Vice President, National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD, now known as the National Community Pharmacists Association, NCPA).

Del became Vice President for Professional Services for the AARP Pharmacy Service where he served from 1985 until 1988, supervising over 150 staff pharmacists and liaising with state and federal agencies and professional associations. As President and CEO of the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association (PCMA, which began as the National Association of Mail Service Pharmacies), Del promoted consumer choice, and became a leader in the evolving field of managed care pharmacy and pharmacy benefits management. As President and CEO, DEA Solutions Group, Del provided valuable consulting services related to DEA requirements for pharmacies, drug wholesalers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Del further served as Adjunct Professor of Pharmaceutical Administration at Duquesne University and later at Ohio Northern University. He was also the author of Pharmacy Law Desk Reference published in 2012. He attended his first Phi Delta Chi Grand Council in 2017, an experience which led to his bequest to aid Fraternity Brothers seeking additional professional expertise through research.

Phi Delta Chi Executive Director Kenny Walkup with Del Konnor, Michelle Walkup, and Past Executive Director Archie Beebe at the 71st Phi Delta Chi Grand Council in Arlington, Virginia (July 2017).